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A member registered Feb 09, 2019

Recent community posts

I just send an Email to you.

I can't download the new update, because my download link is no longer working. It just redirects me to your website. Would be cool, if you could fix that or give me some other way to download the game.

Good to hear that you are still working on it. I was just wondering what was going on after you suddenly stopped writing about it. You've done an amazing job so far, and I'll be looking forward to seeing new RL2 updates. On the other hand, if the D&D tools are working better for you (because they are more successful and/or more fun), then it makes sense to concentrate on them. Personally, I’m fine with waiting a bit longer for the full game.

Hey Kassoon,

You're last dev logs is now almost 2 months old. I've been regularly checking to see whether anything is new is up, but didn't want to write anything, because I don't want to put any pressure on you. You have every right to stop making this game, if it isn't working for you. I just wanted to ask whether you have any plans about it.



I wanted to edit an old prefab that I send you ages ago. I noticed that it's really buggy though. Can you fix it?


prefabs are looking really weird when you load them in the prefab tool (e.g. look at the tall apartment below). I think that the problem has to do with emptyness blocks, because the few prefabs I checked without emptyness were working fine.

I also found something else that might have something to do with emptyness. One of the prefabs I've been working on is really buggy (even in version 186) and it all started happening when I added air. Would be cool, if you could look at it and find out what the problem is:


So, I would currently be most interested in Story, World stuff, Building and Survival. I realize that I only get 2 votes, but I guess the common thing about these things is that there currently isn't enough incentive to actually leave the town and go exploring. 

I'd suggest working on the Story a bit. This will eventually force you to do world stuff (which in turn might require new tile sets, but I only get two votes).